Atec Agilent-2000-X Series User Manual

Page 6

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Project needs change, but traditional oscilloscopes are
fixed – you get what you pay for at the time of purchase.
With the 2000 X-Series, your investment is protected. If
you need more bandwidth (up to 200 MHz), digital chan-
nels, memory, WaveGen, integrated digital voltmeter, or
measurement applications in the future, you can easily add
them all after the fact.

Add at the time of your purchase or upgrade later:

• Bandwidth

• Digital channels (MSO)

• Memory

• WaveGen built-in 20 MHz function generator

• Integrated digital voltmeter (DVM)

• Serial protocol analysis

• Measurement applications

◦ Mask testing

◦ Segmented memory

◦ Educators’ lab kit

Mask testing

Whether performing pass/fail tests to specified standards
in manufacturing or testing for infrequent signal anomalies
in R&D debug, the mask test option can be a valuable
productivity tool. The 2000 X-Series features hardware-
based mask testing and can perform up to 50,000 tests per

Segmented memory

When capturing low-duty cycle pulses or data bursts,
you can use segmented memory acquisition to optimize
acquisition memory. Segmented memory acquisition lets
you selectively capture and store important segments of
signals without capturing unimportant signal idle/dead-
time. Segmented memory acquisition is ideal for applica-
tions including packetized serial pulses, pulsed laser, radar
bursts and high-energy physics experiments. Up to 250
segments can be captured on the 2000 X-Series models
with a minimum re-arm time under 19 µs.

Oscilloscopes redefined: Breakthrough technology delivers more scope for the same budget

Get more investment protection with the industry’s only fully upgradable

See page 21 for more information on upgradable products.

30-day trial license

The 2000 X-Series comes with a one-time 30-day all-optional-features trial license. You can
choose to start the 30-day trial at any time. In addition you can redeem individual optional
feature 30-day trial licenses at any time by visiting

. This

enables you to receive in effect 60 days of trial license of each optional feature.