Performance characterisitics – Atec Agilent-2000-X Series User Manual

Page 16

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Acquisition modes


Peak detect

Capture glitch as narrow as 500 ps at all timebase settings.


Select from 2,4,8,16, 64... to 65,536

High resolution mode

12 bits of resolution when ≥ 20 µs/div


Re-arm time= 19 µs (minimum time between trigger events)

Trigger system

Trigger modes

• Normal (triggered): requires trigger event for scope to trigger
• Auto: triggers automatically in absence of trigger event
• Single: triggers only once on a trigger event, press [Single] again for scope to find another trigger

event, or press [Run] to trigger continuously in either Auto or Normal mode

• Force: front panel button that forces a trigger

Trigger coupling

Coupling selections: AC, DC, noise reject, LF reject and HF reject.

Trigger source

Each analog channel, each digital channel (MSO models or DSOX2MSO upgrade, Ext, WaveGen, line)

Trigger sensitivity (internal)*

< 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div or 5 mV; ≥ 10 mV/div: 0.6 div

Trigger sensitivity (external)*

200 mV (DC to 100 MHz); 350 mV (100 MHz - 200 MHz)

External trigger input

Included on all models

Trigger type selections

All 2000 X-Series models


Trigger on a rising, falling, alternating or either edge of any source

Pulse width

Trigger on a pulse on a selected channel, whose time duration is less than a value, greater than a value,
or inside a time range
• Minimum duration setting: 2 ns- 10 ns (depends on bandwidth)
• Maximum duration setting: 10 s


Trigger when a specified pattern of high, low, and don’t care levels on any combination of analog, digital,
or trigger channels is [entered | exited]. Pattern must have stabilized for a minimum of 2 ns to qualify as
a valid trigger condition.


Trigger on all lines or individual lines, odd/even or all fields from composite video, or broadcast
standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAM-M)

I²C (optional)

Trigger on I²C (Inter-IC bus) serial protocol at a start/stop condition or user defined frame with address
and/or data values. Also trigger on missing acknowledge, address with no accq, restart, EEPROM read,
and 10-bit write.

SPI (optional)

Trigger on SPI (Serial Peripherial Interface) data pattern during a specific framing period. Supports positive
and negative Chip Select framing as well as clock Idle framing and userspecified number of bits per frame.

CAN (optional)

Trigger on CAN (controller area network) version 2.0A and 2.0B signals. Trigger on the start of frame
(SOF) bit (standard). Remote frame ID (RTR), data frame ID (~RTR), remote or data frame ID, data frame
ID and data, error frame, all errors, acknowledge error and overload frame.

LIN (optional)

Trigger on LIN (Local Interconnect Network) sync break, sync frame ID, or frame ID and data.


Trigger on Rx or Tx start bit, stop bit or data content

Oscilloscopes redefined: Breakthrough technology delivers more scope for the same budget

Performance characterisitics

* Denotes warranted specifications, all others are typical.
Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and from ±10 °C firmware calibration temperature.