I/q analyzer – Atec Agilent-N9038A User Manual

Page 20

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Resolution bandwidth (spectrum measurement)



Span = 1 MHz

Span = 10 kHz

Span = 100 Hz

100 mHz to 3 MHz

50 Hz to 1 MHz

1 Hz to 10 kHz

100 mHz to 100 Hz

Window shapes

Flat top, Uniform, Hanning, Hamming, Gaussian, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Kaiser Bessel (K-B 70 dB, K-B 90 dB and K-B 110 dB)

Analysis bandwidth

Standard instrument

10 Hz to 10 MHz

Option B25

10 Hz to 25 MHz

IF frequency response (standard 10 MHz IF path)

IF frequency response (demodulation and FFT response relative to the center frequency, 20 to 30 °C)
Center frequency (GHz)

Span (MHz)

Max. error

RMS (nominal)

≤ 3.6

3.6 < f ≤ 26.5

≤ 10

≤ 10

± 0.40 dB

0.04 dB

0.25 dB

IF phase linearity (deviation from mean phase linearity, nominal)

Center frequency (GHz)

Span (MHz)



≤ 3.6

3.6 < f ≤ 26.5

≤ 10

≤ 10

± 0.5°

± 1.5°



Data acquisition (10 MHz IF path)

Time record length

IQ analyzer

4,000,000 IQ sample pairs

89600 VSA software or N9064A

32-bit packing

64-bit packing


62.5 MSa

31.25 MSa

256 MB

Sample rate

90 MSa/s

ADC resolution

14 bits

Option B25 25 MHz analysis bandwidth

IF frequency response (B25 IF path)
IF frequency response (demodulation and FFT response relative to the center frequency, 20 to 30 °C)
Center frequency (GHz)

Span (MHz)

Max. error

RMS (nominal)

≤ 3.6

3.6 < f ≤ 26.5

10 to ≤ 25

10 to ≤ 25

± 0.45 dB

0.051 dB

0.45 dB

IF phase linearity (deviation from mean phase linearity, nominal)

Center frequency (GHz)

Span (MHz)



0.02 ≤ f < 3.6

3.6 ≤ f ≤ 26.5

≤ 25

≤ 25

± 0.5 °

± 1.5 °

0.2 °

0.4 °

Data acquisition (B25 IF path)

Time record length (IQ pairs)

IQ analyzer

4,000,000 IQ sample pairs

89600 VSA software or N9064A

32-bit packing

64-bit packing


62.5 MSa

31.25 MSa

256 MB

Sample rate

90 MSa/s

ADC resolution

14 bits

I/Q Analyzer