Atec Agilent-34980A User Manual

Page 2

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If you use automated test equipment
for design validation or manufactur-
ing, you now have a cost-effective
alternative to PXI and VXI test-system
platforms. The 34980A multifunction
switch/measure unit provides compa-
rable functionality that is much easier
to use than PXI and VXI and costs
less. The 34980A helps you lower your
cost of test and accelerate your test-
system integration and development.

The 34980A handles your system
switching needs up to 20 GHz and
provides basic measurements and
system control. It offers optional DMM
measurements, counter/totalizer
functionality, digital I/O with pattern
capabilities, and analog outputs with
basic waveforms—all in one low-cost,
compact box. And with its standard
connectors and software drivers,
computer-standard I/O, and Web
browser interface, the 34980A easily
integrates into electronic functional
test and data acquisition systems.

Flexible switching, measure-
ments, and system control

The 34980A accommodates up to
8 plug-in modules to give you the
flexibility you need. Choose from 19
different modules to define your own
configuration. You can buy what you
need now and add to it or reconfigure
it as your requirements change.

Whether you are measuring tempera-
ture, AC or DC voltage, resistance,
frequency, current, or custom mea-
surements, the 34980A offers the
functionality you need in a single box.
Switch in different measurements with
high-performance signal switching—
no external signal conditioning is
required. Choose between different
switch types and topologies with
frequency ranges from DC to 20 GHz.
The 34980A offers high-density
multiplexers for scanning multiple
channels, matrices for connecting
multiple points at one time, and
general purpose switches for simple
control and high power needs.

Use the 34980A to route individual
signals or monitor multiple signals
over a specified period of time—
monitor a single channel or multiple
channels, set alarms, and identify

The 34980A also offers flexible choices
for system control. You can control
external devices such as microwave
switches, attenuators, solenoids, and
power relays. Or use the digital inputs
to sense limit-switch and digital-bus

Optimized for test systems

The 34980A has the performance
you need for medium- to high-density
switching/measurement applications
such as design verification, functional
test and data acquisition. Your signals
are switched to the right measurement
device without compromising signal
integrity. Switch your signals to the
optional internal DMM and achieve
optimal throughput on switch closure
time. Or, if you prefer, you can easily
connect to external instruments such
as DMMs, scopes, power supplies,
and more. What’s more, with the
built-in Ethernet interface, you can
control the 34980A and collect data
from remote locations.

The rugged instrument comes with
a variety of system-ready features:

• Web browser interface shows

settings at a glance and provides
remote access and control

• Self-guiding front panel to configure,

troubleshoot or view data

• Low EMI and efficient system


• Heavy-duty cabling and connection


• Rack mount options

• Relay counters help predict end-


• In-rack calibration for reduced

maintenance time

• DMM measurement accuracies

include the switch for simple


High-performance unit provides low-cost
alternative to PXI and VXI switch and
measurement platforms