Atec Agilent-83491A-92A User Manual

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used today—electrical lines, multimode, and single-mode
fiber. A built-in coupler reduces external hardware
requirements. All four modules have excellent jitter
performance to ensure accurate measurements. Each
clock recovery module is designed to synchronize to a
variety of common transmission rates.

Clock Recovery Loop Bandwidth

The Agilent clock recovery modules have two loop
bandwidth settings. Loop bandwidth is very important
in determining the accuracy of your waveform when
measuring jitter .

• Narrow loop bandwidth provides a clean system clock

for accurate jitter measurements

• Wide loop bandwidth allows the recovered clock to

track the data and is useful for extracting a signal that
may have propagated through a complex network and
have large amount of jitter. While this obviously negates
any ability to quantify the jitter, it does allow other
parameters of an eye to be measured.

Note: When using recovered clocks for triggering, jitter
measurement accuracy is suspect unless the scheme has
a very narrow loop bandwidth.

Improved Autoscaling

Autoscaling has been significantly improved to provide
quick horizontal and vertical scaling of both pulse and
eye-diagram (RZ and NRZ) waveforms.

Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)

TDR measurements are focused on high-speed applica-
tions where it is necessary to optimize electrical system
components, such as microstrip lines, PC board traces,
SMA edge launchers and coaxial cables where imperfec-
tions cause signal distortion and reflections. Signal
integrity is a critical requirement in high-speed digital
signal transmission.

Gated Triggering

Trigger gating port allows easy external control of data
acquisition for circulating loop or burst-data experi-
ments. Use TTL-compatible signals to control when the
instrument does and does not acquire data.

Easier Calibrations

Calibrating your instrument has been simplified by
placing all the performance level indicators and calibra-
tion procedures in a single high-level location. This
provides greater confidence in the measurements made
and saves time in maintaining equipment.

Stimulus Response Testing
Using the Agilent N4606A SmartBERT

Error performance analysis represents an essential part
of digital transmission test. The Agilent 86100B and
N4906A SmartBERT have similar user interfaces and
together create a powerful test solution.

Transitioning from the Agilent 83480A and
86100A to the 86100B

The 86100B has been designed to be a virtual drop-in
replacement for the Agilent 86100A and Agilent 83480A
digital communications analyzers and Agilent 54750A
wide-bandwidth oscilloscope. All modules used in the
Agilent 83480A and 54750A can also be used in the
86100B. The remote programming command set for the
86100B has been designed for direct compatibility with
software written to control the 86100A, 83480A and