Module specifications: dual electrical – Atec Agilent-83491A-92A User Manual
Page 17
Dual Electrical Channel Modules
Electrical Channel Bandwidth
12.4 and 20 GHz
12.4 and 18 GHz
Transition Time (10% to 90%,
28.2 ps (12.4 GHz);
28.2 ps (12.4 GHz);
calculated from TR = 0.35/BW)
17.5 ps (20 GHz)
19.4 ps (18 GHz)
RMS Noise
0.25 mV (12.4 GHz);
0.25 mV (12.4 GHz);
0.5 mV (20 GHz)
0.5 mV (18 GHz)
0.5 mv (12.4 GHz);
0.5 mv (12.4 GHz);
1 mV (20 GHz)
1 mV (18 GHz)
Scale Factor
1 mV/division
100 mV/division
DC Accuracy (single marker)
±0.4% of full scale
±0.4% of full scale or marker reading
±2mV ±1.5% of (reading-channel offset), 12.4 GHz
(whichever is greater)
±0.4% of full scale
±2 mV ±1.2% of (reading-channel offset)
±2 mV ±3% of (reading-channel offset), 20 GHz
CW Offset Range (referenced from
center of screen)
±500 mV
±500 mV
Input Dynamic Range (relative to
channel offset)
±400 mV
±400 mV
Maximum Input Signal
±2 V (+16 dBm)
±2 V (+16 dBm)
Nominal Impedance
50 ohm
50 ohm
Reflections (for 30 ps rise time)
Electrical Input
3.5 mm (male)
3.5 mm (male)
Module Specifications: Dual Electrical
Dual Electrical Channel Modules
Electrical Channel Bandwidth
30 and 50 GHz
30, 50 amd 65 GHz
50 and 70 GHz
Transition Time (10% to 90%,
11.7 ps (30 GHz)
11.7 ps (30 GHz)
calculated from TR = 0.35/BW)
7 ps (50 GHz)
7 ps (50 GHz)
5.4 ps (65 GHz)
RMS Noise
0.4 mV (30 GHz)
0.4 mV (30 GHz)
0.7 mV (50 GHz)
0.6 mV (50 GHz)
0.5 mV (50 GHz)
1.3 mV (70 GHz)
1.3 mV (65 GHz)
0.7 mv (30 GHz);
0.7 mv (30 GHz)
1.8 mV (50 GHz)
1.0 mV (50 GHz
0.9 mV (50 GHz)
2.5 mV (70 GHz)
2.2 mV (65 GHz)
Scale Factor
1 mV/division
100 mV/division
DC Accuracy (single marker)
±0.4% of full scale
±0.4% of full scale
±0.4% of full scale
±2 mV ±1.2% of (reading-
±2 mV ±1.2% of (reading-
±1.5 mV ±1% of (reading-
channel offset) (30 GHz)
channel offset) (30 GHz)
channel offset) (50 GHz)
±0.4% of full scale
±0.4% of full scale
±0.4% of full scale
±2 mV ±2% of (reading-
±2 mV ±2% of (reading-
±1.5 mV ±3% of (reading-
channel offset) (50 GHz)
channel offset) (50 GHz)
channel offset) (70 GHz)
±0.4% of full scale
±2 mV ±2% of (reading-
channel offset) (65 GHz)
CW Offset Range (referenced from
center of screen)
±500 mV
Input Dynamic Range (relative to
channel offset)
±400 mV
Maximum Input Signal
±2 V (+16 dBm)
Nominal Impedance
50 ohm
Reflections (for 30 ps rise time)
Electrical Input
2.4 mm (male)
1.85 mm (male)
1.85 mm (male)