Module overview – Atec Agilent-83491A-92A User Manual
Page 11
Optical/Electrical Modules
750-860 nm
The 86101A, 86102A and 86102U modules support wave-
form compliance testing of short wavelength signals with
up to 15 GHz of optical bandwidth. Each module also has
an electrical channel with 20 GHz of bandwidth.
1000–1600 nm
<20 GHz Optical and Electrical Channels:
The 86103A, 86103B, 86105A and 86105B modules are
optimized for testing long wavelength signals with up to
20 GHz of optical bandwidth. Each module also has an
electrical channel with 20 GHz of bandwidth.
20 – 40 GHz Optical and Electrical Channels:
The 86106B and 86109A are optimized for testing
10 Gb/s signals. The 86106B has 28 GHz of optical band-
width with multiple 10Gb/s compliance filters. The
86109A has 30 GHz of optical bandwidth. Each of these
module also has an electrical channel with 40 GHz of
40 GHz and Greater Optical and Electrical Channels:
The 86109B and 86116A are optimized for testing 40 Gb/s
signals. The 86109B has an optical channel with 40 GHz
of bandwidth and an electrical channel with 50 GHz of
bandwidth. The 86116A has more than 50 GHz of optical
bandwidth and 60 GHz of electrical bandwidth. The
86116B is the widest bandwidth optical module with
more than 65 GHz optical (1550nm band only) and 80 GHz
electrical bandwidth.
Dual Optical Channel Modules
86111A and 86111U are short wavelength optical
modules that have up to 15 GHz of bandwidth optimized
for testing signals from 155 Mb/s to 3125 Mb/s.
86113A is a long wavelength module with 2.85 GHz of
optical bandwidth optimized for testing of signals up to
2.488 Gb/s.
86115B is a long wavelength module that has 28 GHz of
optical bandwidth. This module is designed for testing
10 Gb/s signals.
Dual Electrical Modules
86112A has two low-noise electrical channels with
20 GHz of bandwidth.
86117A has two electrical channels with up to 50 GHz of
bandwidth ideal for testing signals up 10 Gb/s.
86117B has two electrical channels with up to 65 GHz of
bandwidth ideal for testing signals up to 40 Gb/s.
86118A has two electrical channels, each housed in a
compact remote sampling head, attached to the module
with separate light weight cables. With over 70 GHz of
bandwidth, this module is intended for 40 Gb/s and
above measurements.
Clock Recovery Modules
This range of clock recovery modules is designed to
provide a trigger signal for the Infiniium DCA when no
clock is present. In each case, the input signal can be fed
to the module input; the module taps off a portion of the
signal, and supplies the remainder to an output connector
on the front panel, so that the signal can be patched
across to the input of an adjacent sampling module. Each
also has recovered clock and data outputs on the front
panel to supply other test equipment if desired.
The 83491A is an electrical module. It works for rates up
to 2.5 Gb/s.
The 83492A works for optical signals and has multimode
inputs, one working over the 750 – 860 nm range, the
other 1000 – 1600 nm.
The 83493A and 83494A work with single-mode input,
1000 – 1600 nm. The 83493A works for various rates up
to 2.5 Gb/s. The 83494A works for various rates up
to 10 Gb/s.
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
The Infiniium DCA may also be used as a powerful, high
accuracy TDR, using the 54754A differential TDR module.
Module Overview