Installing and using the external modem, 7 installing and using the external modem, How to connect and setup an external modem to – Alpha Technologies CFR 3000, CFR 3000RM User Manual

Page 56: The unit (section 4.7), Uses of the external modem, Equipment and settings equipment, Settings

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4.7 Installing and Using the External Modem

Uses of the External Modem

Where a network is not available, you can connect an external modem to the CFR’s RS–232

The modem lets you:

Program the CFR to send an alarm message to a remote host via the telephone line

when a power event takes place.

Dial up the CFR for remote monitoring or control. Once connected, all RS–232 menus are


Equipment and Settings


An external modem (US Robotics Sportster (1200, 9600, 19.2K or 28.8K baud) or

other “Hayes Compatible” modem).

A standard null modem cable, DB–9 male to DB–25 male.

Phone line access.

One-time access to the CFR via a computer link.


RS–232 Speed: 1200 Baud between CFR and modem.

RS–232 Signals: Rx, Tx and Gnd.

Handshaking: None, neither hardware (RTS/CTS) nor software (XON/XOFF) are


Modem Speed: Same as the modem’s.