Audio – Extron Electronics IN31608 User Manual
Page 7

IN31608 OPERATION MANUAL - REV 1.6 1/4/01
2001 - INLINE, Inc.
RGB delay prevents the display device from showing re-sizing and other spurious
on-screen effects that often occur while the display is adjusting to the new signal.
In Matrix Mode, the audio for the selected input is routed to the selected output. Note that the video, audio, and
sync may be switched independently in Matrix Mode. In Direct Mode the audio of the selected input is sent to
the selected output(s). The front panel volume control and the serial volume commands are mutually
exclusively enabled. On power up, the front panel volume controls are enabled and the serial volume
commands are disabled. The serial command [MDVOL0] enables the front panel volume controls and disables
the serial volume commands. The serial command [MDVOL1] disables the front panel volume controls and
enables the serial volume commands.
The IN31608 has Volume Up and Down Buttons as well as a Mute Button. These buttons function as follows:
The Volume Up Button increases the output volume and the Volume Down Button decreases it.
Matrix Mode - When the Volume Up / Down Button is depressed the volume of the currently selected output
volume is incremented / decremented. If the button is held for one second, a fast increment / decrement mode
is entered and the Output Button’s LED flashes until the maximum / minimum output volume is reached.
Direct Mode - The volume control for Direct Mode works similarly to the volume control for Matrix Mode
except that the output volume is controlled simultaneously for all outputs.
The output volume information is retained in non-volatile memory and can only be modified by the procedure
described below or the serial volume commands [VOL…]. In Matrix Mode, output volume information is
retained separately in non-volatile memory for all 16 channels. In Direct Mode, a global output volume control
is retained in non-volatile memory that controls all outputs.
The Mute Button disengages the audio signal. When the audio is muted (no audio) the mute LED turns on. The
audio will remain muted until it is reactivated by pressing the button again. In the Matrix Mode, the audio of
the currently selected output is muted. In the Direct Mode, all outputs are muted simultaneously. Muting does
not affect the previously selected input or output volumes. The mute information is retained in non-volatile
memory and can only be modified by the procedure described above or the serial command [MUTE…]. In
Matrix Mode, mute information is retained separately for all 16 channels. In Direct Mode, a global mute
controls all outputs.
An alternative way of adjusting the volume and mute settings (associated with the [SW] command) with
a serial command (such as [LVOL…]) is to make the adjustments as described above, then press the
SAVE key followed by the BLANK key. The current volume and mute settings will override the
settings previously stored and will be used with subsequent [SW] commands.