Extron Electronics IN31608 User Manual
Page 16

2001 - INLINE, Inc.
IN31608 OPERATION MANUAL - REV 1.6 1/4/01
(Matrix Mode)
Load a new path for Group g. The switch is not executed until the [SW]
command is sent.
g: Group #, a 1 byte ASCII code, 1 <= g <= 3.
in: 2 byte ASCII code representing the Input # to be connected to
output on.
Example: [L 1 04 05 00 03 00 00 00 00] (spaces added for clarity)
Load a new path for Group #1 as follows:
Output 1 to Input 04,
Output 2 to Input 05,
Output 3 disconnect,
Output 4 to Input 03,
Outputs 5-8 disconnected.
Mute associated with [SW] command
a = 0 => disable mute for channel 1, a = 1 => enable mute for channel 1,
b = 0 => disable mute for channel 2, b = 1 => enable mute for channel 2…
h = 0 => disable mute for channel 8, h = 1 => enable mute for channel 8.
Example: [LMUTE01010101]
Mutes even outputs for subsequent [SW] commands.
Set volume output for both channels associated with [SW] command:
0 =< aaa =< 255
Example: [LVOL 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108] (spaces added for
Sets output 1 to volume 101, output 2 to volume 102…output 8 to
volume 108 for subsequent [SW] commands.
Set volume for left channel associated with [SW] command:
0 =< aaa =< 255.
Example: [LVOLL 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008] (spaces added
for clarity)
Sets left output 1 to volume 1, left output 2 to volume 2…left output 8
to volume 8 for subsequent [SW] commands. Doesn’t modify right
output volume.
Set volume for right channel associated with [SW] command:
0 =< aaa =< 255
Example: [LVOLR 011 022 033 044 055 066 077 088] (spaces added
for clarity)
Sets right output 1 to volume 11, right output 2 to volume 22…right
output 8 to volume 88 for subsequent [SW] commands. Doesn’t
modify left output volume.
Front panel volume adjustment is enabled and serial volume control
adjustment is disabled (factory default).
Front panel volume adjustment is disabled and serial volume control
adjustment is enabled.
Select Matrix mode
Select Direct mode
Enable Audio for output o (volume on). In Direct Mode the [MUTEo0]
command controls all outputs simultaneously regardless of the ‘o’ channel
selection, 1 <= o <= 8.
Example: [MUTE20]
In Direct Mode mute all outputs. In Matrix Mode mute output 2 only.
Disable Audio for output o (volume off). In Direct Mode the [MUTEo1]
command controls all outputs simultaneously regardless of the ‘o’ channel
selection, 1 <= o <= 8.
Example: [MUTE21]
In Direct Mode unmute all outputs. In Matrix Mode unmute output 2 only.