GC EUROPE Fujivest Super User Manual

Page 67

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Focus Edition from GC

Contact Addresses
Diederik Hellingh - Laboratory Products Manager
GC Europe N.V. - Interleuvenlaan 33 - 3001 Leuven, Belgium

MDT Adrian J. Rollings (Birmingham, United Kingdom) for his expert technical support and grammatical advice
MDT Thomas Schmidt (Marburg, Germany) for his expert advice on casting techniques

All rights reserved. This booklet or any part may not be reproduced in any form or any means without written permission.
Printed: September 2008 - Revised: September 2008

Dear Customer,

We hope that reading this document has helped to improve your understanding
of GC Europe phosphate bonded investment materials in a practical and relevant
manner that is beneficial to your daily ‘Crown & Bridgework’ practice.

Should you require any further assistance or have some suggestions about this
document please do not hesitate to contact either us, your local GC representative
or our website