Universal Audio Apollo Software User Manual

Page 99

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Apollo Software Manual

Chapter 6: Working With Apollo


How To Route Any DAW Output Into Console’s Virtual Inputs

To route a DAW output signal into Console
for Realtime UAD Processing, simply as-
sign any Console virtual channel (or chan-
nel pair, when the DAW source is stereo)
as the output device for any DAW track,
bus, or output. That DAW output signal
then appears in the virtual input chan-
nel in Console, and it can be processed or
routed the same as a hardware input.

At Right: Routing a DAW channel’s

outputs into Console’s virtual inputs

How To Route Any Console Virtual Output Into the DAW

To route a Console output signal into the
DAW so it can be recorded, simply assign
any Console virtual channel (or channel
pair, when the Console source is stereo) as
the input source for any DAW input. That
Console signal can then be recorded or
routed like any hardware input by the DAW.

Tip: This technique can be used to
re-capture and record a software instru-
ment performance that was virtually
routed from the DAW into Console for
Realtime UAD Processing.

At right: Routing Console’s virtual outputs

into the DAW channel’s input. Note that any

virtual output listed here (including mon, aux,

HP, etc.) could be used as the DAW input.