At+btscan, bd_addr, to Page 36
Page 36

Description :
To make PARANI10 to be Discoverable and Connectable from other
Bluetooth devices, you should set its INQUIRY SCAN and PAGE SCAN. To
make your PARANI10 do INQUIRY SCAN only, you should set n as 1. To
make your PARANI10 do PAGE SCAN only, you should set n as 2. When n is
set to 3, your PARANI10 does INQUIRY SCAN and PAGE SCAN alternately.
Here, ‘to’indicates the time out interval of INQUIRY SCAN and PAGE SCAN
operations. If you set ‘to’ to ‘0’, your PARANI10 does INQUIRY SCAN and
PAGE SCAN until it has a connection from other Bluetooth device. Your
PARANI10 returns ‘CONNECT’ message when it is connected from other
Bluetooth device within the given time out intervals. Otherwise, it returns
Function :
Wait Bluetooth connection from a device with given BD_ADDR.
Response :
Description :
Once you enter this AT command, your PARANI10 does PAGE SCAN.
However, it waits a connection from a Bluetooth device with the given
BD_ADDR. This process lasts during ‘to’ time interval. Especially when ‘to’
has value of ‘0’, your PARANI10 waits connection infinitely.
Function :
Cancel currently ongoing operation of your PARANI10.
Response :
Description :
This AT command works only when your PARANI10 is busy in doing
‘AT+BTSCAN’, ‘ATD’ or ‘AT+BTINQ?’. Once canceled successfully, your
PARANI10 will become STANBY STATUS’.
Function :
Make transition from ONLINE STATUS to STANDBY STATUS.
Response :
Description :
If you input ‘+++’ string to your PARANI10 in ONLINE STATUS, your