Atd Page 35
Page 35

Description :
After getting BD_ADDRs, you can make a connection to another Bluetooth
device by using this AT command. Once you input this command, PARANI10
tries to connect the Bluetooth device with the given BD_ADDR for 5 minutes.
The connection failure happens when a Bluetooth device with the given
BD_ADDR is not in PAGE SCAN mode or is already connected to other
Bluetooth device.
Function :
Make connection with a Bluetooth device connected most recently.
Response :
Description :
If you execute this AT command, your PARANI10 will make a connection with
a Bluetooth device which your PARANI10 connected to most recently. To
make this AT command work successfully, there should be at least one
successful connection to another Bluetooth you want to connect to.
Function :
Make your PARANI10 do INQUIRY SCAN and PAGE SCAN alternately.
Response :
Description :
You can force your PARANI10 to do INQUIRY SCAN or PAGE SCAN
alternately with this AT command. Your PARANI10 does INQUIRY SCAN and
PAGE SCAN until it has a connection from other Bluetooth device. Once
connected, your PARANI10 returns ‘CONNECT’ message. You can use
‘AT+BTCANCEL’ to cancel this operation. This AT command has the same
effect of ‘AT+BTSCAN,3,0’.
AT+BTSCAN, n, to
Function :
You can force your PARANI10 to do INQUIRY SCAN or PAGE SCAN.
Response :