Ocean Optics LIBS2500plus User Manual
Page 27

2: Installing the LIBS System
4. Click on the arrow for the first box (Unit A) to see a selection of up to 7 serial numbers
(corresponding to the number of spectrometer channels in your LIBS system).
5. Double-click on the lowest number and assign it to the first space. This is important in that it tells
the software which serial number correlates to the lowest wavelength spectrometer. The range
box should display the range of the spectrometer (this feature is not fully implemented).
If you mistakenly assign an incorrect serial number, click on the text in the Unit Serial
Number column for that serial number. Highlight the text and delete it. Then, reassign the
correct serial number.
6. Proceed to assign serial numbers (in order of ascending serial numbers) to Units B-G, depending
on the number of spectrometer channels in your LIBS system.
7. Click the OK button when you have assigned all serial numbers.
8. You have now configured the Select Spectrometer Modules screen.
9. Exit OOILIBSplus software.
10. Restart OOILIBSplus software. The range at the bottom of the screen should be about 200–980
nm. If this is not the case, or if you receive another error message, refer to Chapter 4:
. Otherwise, you are ready to collect data.