Peterson BBS-1 BodyBeat Sync User Manual

Page 9

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POWER ON FUNCTION - Holding this button while turning the BodyBeat Sync on using the

Start/Stop - On/Off button will display the current firmware version for 4 seconds. ( If this

function does not work, it means that you’re firmware is even older than this feature and you will

need to update your firmware )

Volume Control

Adjusts the volume of either the on-board speaker or headphones for all audible output.

Tempo Select

Activates the Tempo Mode. Subsequent presses of the Tempo Button will alter the active digit of the tempo

setting. Tempo can be adjusted by whole beats per minute or 1/10th beats per minute. Once selected,

the Value Wheel will increment or decrement the tempo value by the desired amount ranging from

10 to 280 Quarter Notes per minute.

Note: Tempo is always set in quarter notes per minute. Be sure to calculate the correct tempo for

meters in which the quarter note does not represent one beat.

Tempo can also be set by “tapping” the beat on the Value Wheel. When entering a tempo by

using the Tap Tempo feature, each tap is assumed as 1 beat of the current Meter setting unless an

Accent Pattern is selected, in which case you may enter the tempo by tapping the accented beats

only. For example - in 7/8 with a 2-2-3 Accent Pattern you can set the tempo by tappping

quarter note, quarter note, dotted quarter note.

POWER ON FUNCTION - Holding this button while turning the BodyBeat Sync on using the

Start/Stop - On/Off button will start the unit in “Update Mode” . Do this before attempting to

load new firmware. You will need to restart the unit to return it to normal operation.