2 alarm function, 1 regulate the alarm time & behavior, At+cala="

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GE863-GPS Software User Guide

1vv0300724 Rev. 3 - 05/07/07

Reproduction forbidden w ithout Telit Communications S.p.A. w ritten authorization - All Rights Reserved

page 90 of 122

3.7.2 Alarm function

Once the current time has been set, the alarm function can be setup. Regulate the Alarm time & behavior

Send command



yy : two digits year (00-99)
MM : two digits month (01-12)
dd : two digits day (01-31)
hh : two digits hour (00-24)
mm : two digits minute (00-60)
ss : two digits seconds (00-60)
±zz: signed two digits timezone (-11 - +11)

is the Alarm behavior:
0 - reserved for other equipment use.
1 - the MODULE simply wakes up fully operative as if the ON/OFF button had been pressed. If the

device is already ON at the alarm time, then it does nothing.

2 - the MODULE wakes up in "alarm mode" if at the alarm time it was off, otherwise it remains fully

operative. In both cases the MODULE issues an unsolicited code every 3s:

where is the +CALA optional parameter previously set.

The device keeps on sending the unsolicited code every 3s until a #WAKE or #SHDN command is
received or a 90s timeout occurs. If the device is in "alarm mode" and it does not receive the
#WAKE command within 90s then it shuts down. (default)

3 - the MODULE wakes up in "alarm mode" if at the alarm time it was off, otherwise it remains fully

operative. In both cases the MODULE starts playing the alarm tone on the selected path for the
ringer (see command #SRP)
The device keeps on playing the alarm tone until a #WAKE or #SHDN command is received or a
90s timeout occurs. If the device is in "alarm mode" and it does not receive the #WAKE command
within 90s then it shuts down.

4 - the MODULE wakes up in "alarm mode" if at the alarm time it was off, otherwise it remains fully

operative. In both cases the MODULE brings the pin GPIO6 high, provided its has
been set to alarm output, and keeps it in this state until a #WAKE or #SHDN command is received
or a 90s timeout occurs. If the device is in "alarm mode" and it does not receive the #WAKE
command within 90s then it shuts down.