1 clock date/time, 1 regulate the clock, At+cclk="

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GE863-GPS Software User Guide

1vv0300724 Rev. 3 - 05/07/07

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3.7.1 Clock date/time

Before using the Alarm feature, you must regulate the internal clock. Regulate the Clock

Send command


- current time as quoted string in the format : "yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss±zz"
yy - year (two last digits are mandatory), range is 00..99
MM - month (two last digits are mandatory), range is 01..12
dd - day (two last digits are mandatory), range is 01..31 (if the month MM has less than 31 days, the

clock will be set for the next month)

hh - hour (two last digits are mandatory), range is 00..23
mm - minute (two last digits are mandatory), range is 00..59
ss - seconds (two last digits are mandatory), range is 00..59
±zz - time zone (indicates the difference, expressed in quarter of an hour, between the local time and

GMT; two last digits are mandatory), range is -47..+48

NOTE: If the parameter is omitted the behavior of Set command is the same as Read command.

wait for response


TIP: Remember that the string time has to be encapsulated in double brackets.

NOTE: The time will start immediately after the time setting command.

For example:
1- Let's assume you want to regulate your clock to 7 November 2002 at 12h 24m 30s for the time zone
+01h central Europe:
In this case, the time was successfully set.