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Adventurer Pro
3.5.4 Check Weighing (Cont.)
Editing Limits
The limits are edited one digit at a time. The digit being edited
is blinking. Its value can be incremented by pressing the No
button or decremented by pressing the Back button. When
the desired value is displayed, press the Yes button to accept
the value and proceed to the next digit. When all digits have
been edited, the new limit value is shown (blinking) on the
secondary display. Press the Yes button to accept the new
limit value or the No button to edit the limit value. When
editing of the Over limit is complete, Check Weighing begins.
Place the sample on the pan. The UNDER/ACCEPT/OVER
status is shown on the primary display while the actual weight
of the item is shown on the secondary display.
3.5.5 Animal Weighing
Enter this mode to weigh an unstable load, such as a moving
animal. Refer to Section 3.4.3 to enable Animal Weighing.
Press and hold
Mode. Release Mode when ANIMAL is
displayed. The balance alternately shows READY and ANIMAL
on the secondary display.
Automatic and Semi-Automatic Mode
The animal cycle begins when an animal is placed on the
Manual Mode
The animal cycle begins when the Function button is pressed.
During Animal Cycle
The primary display shows the countdown from the level
setting (5, 10 or 15 seconds) to AWO. The secondary display
alternately shows ANIMAL and BUSY.