EVS Xedio Dispatcher Version 4.00 - July 2011 User Manual User Manual
Page 61

Xedio Dispatcher – Version 4.0 – User’s Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment – July 2011
Issue 4.0.B
The user can define the keyboard shortcuts in Xedio Manager to
perform transport control commands. The keys mentioned below are the
default settings.
Field/Button Keyboard
Function Name and Description
(space bar)
Start/stops playing the storyboard.
The button changes to a Stop icon when the
media is being played.
Fast Forward
Plays the media forward at a preset fast speed.
The button changes to a Stop icon when the
media is being played forward.
Fast Forward (with modified speed)
Changes the preset speed to higher speed value.
The speeds are set in the menu Parameters >
Parameters Profiles: Media Dispatcher> Default
profile > Player tab: ShiftSpeedMax parameter.
Fast Rewind
Plays the media backward at a preset fast speed.
The button changes to a Stop icon when the
media is being played backward.
Fast Rewind (with modified speed)
Changes the preset speed to higher speed value.
The speeds are set in the menu Parameters >
Parameters Profiles: Media Dispatcher> Default
profile > Player tab: ShiftSpeedMax parameter.
Go to Prev. Frame
Moves 1 frame before the current position in
Pause mode.
Go to Next Frame
Moves 1 frame after the current position in Pause