3 export tool, Introduction, Export tool – EVS Xedio Dispatcher Version 4.00 - July 2011 User Manual User Manual

Page 49: Xport

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Xedio Dispatcher – Version 4.0 – User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – July 2011

Issue 4.0.B


User Interface Element


E q u i p m e n t \ X e d i o D i s p a t c h e r \ K e y w o r d G r i d s


this area is not available.

3. Ranking Buttons

Buttons that allows you to assign a ranking to the

log, in order to highlight important moments in the

The log will have a different color depending on

the ranking assigned.

4. Delete Log Button

Button that allows you to delete the log on which

you are positioned in the loaded clip, with all

related keywords and ranking information.

5. Free Text Field

Field that allows to enter and assign free text to a


4.6.3 E






The Export Tool is the panel where:

you select the target profile you want to use during the export process.

you create a new target using the Target wizard

you prepare and execute the export of storyboards, but also source clips, or


The target profile is the definition of the destinations and codecs that will be used

to export the selected storyboards. You select the target profile in the Target

field. Each target profile is defined in an .xml file that has to be stored in

C : \ X e d i o D i s p a t c h e r M S \ P r o f i l e s \ R T P r o f
