Logger with associated keyword grids – EVS Xedio Dispatcher Version 4.00 - July 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 4.0.B

Xedio Dispatcher – Version 4.0 – User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – July 2011


Logger with Associated Keyword Grids

The following table provides a short description on the various areas highlighted

in the Logger tab. You will find more detailed information in the section 5.6

‘Adding Logs to a Clip’, on page 75:

User Interface Element


1. Keyword Grid Selection


This field is only present if keyword grids are

stored as .xml files in

C : \ P r o g r a m F i l e s \ E V S

B r o a d c a s t

E q u i p m e n t \ X e d i o D i s p a t c h e r \ K e y w o r d G r i d s


This field provides the list of keyword grids from

which you can select the one you want to use.

2. Keyword Grid

Once a keyword grid has been selected, it opens

in the Keyword Grid area. If the keywords cannot

be displayed in one page, the pages are displayed

as tabs.
If no keyword gris is stored as .xml files in

C : \ P r o g r a m F i l e s \ E V S B r o a d c a s t