EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 2 User's Manual User Manual

Page 86

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The keyword is added to the dictionary:

How to Add Existing Keywords by Direct Entry in the

You can use the Autocomplete function to add keywords already existing in the Keyword
List into a dictionary.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Open a dictionary via the File > Open menu of the Dictionary window.

2. Click the Edit button to enable the Edit mode


The Keyword field and Add button are displayed at the top of the Dictionary window.

3. In the dictionary, select the root where you want to insert the keyword.

4. Start typing the keyword into the Keyword field.

A list of proposals is displayed as soon as you start to type and it is refined as you go
on typing.


2. Keyword Management

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012

Issue 6.00.A