Local operation, 2 shipped configuration (local control mode) -2, Local operation 3.1 introduction – American Magnetics 12200PS DC Power Supply (CE-Marked) User Manual

Page 35: 2 standard operation

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Release 1.0 (98/07)




3.1 Introduction

Once you have installed the power supply and have connected both the AC input power and the load as covered
in Section 2. Installation, the power supply is ready to operate in local control mode (that is, operation at the
unit’s front panel).

Section 3.2 Standard Operation offers a brief explanation of Constant Voltage and Constant Current Mode
operation. Sections 3.3 to 3.6 cover power supply functions such as over voltage protection, shutdown function,
over temperature protection, and using multiple supplies. Section 3.7 provides troubleshooting information for
the operator.

For descriptions of remote programming options and remote monitoring of the power supply, turn to
Section 4. Remote Operation.

3.2 Standard Operation

This power supply has two basic operating modes: Constant Voltage Mode and Constant Current Mode, and two
control modes: Local Control Mode (default setting) and Remote Programming Mode. Both operating modes
are available regardless of which control mode is used.


Operating Modes and Automatic Crossover

Whether controlled by local or remote programming, the power supply has two basic operating modes: Constant
Voltage Mode and Constant Current Mode. The mode in which the power supply operates at any given time
depends on the combination of:

output voltage setting V


output current limit setting I


resistance of the attached load R


Figure 3.2-1 Operating Modes provides a graphical representation of the relationships between these variables.

Figure 3.2-1 Operating Modes