Table b.3, Commands for output control, Ta b le b .3 commands for output control – Xantrex Technology GPIB-M-XT User Manual
Page 108: Scpi command reference scpi command summary

Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
SCPI Command Reference
SCPI Command Summary
) Cu
tude] { u rrent>|M AXimum|MI Nimum} C hange curr ent set p oi nt Y e s Set T rigge red Curre nt Set poin t [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent[ :LEVel]:T RIGgered[ :AMP Litu de] { r ent>|MAX imum|MINi mum|DEFau lt} C hange t rigg e red curr ent set poi nt Y e s Set (I mmedi ate ) V o ltage Set poin t [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage[ :LEVel][: IMMediate ][:A MPLi tude] { o ltage>|M AXimum|MI Nimum} C hange volt age set point Y e s Set T rigge red V o ltag e Set poin t [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage[ :LEVel]:T RIGgered[ :AMP Litu de] { t age>|MAX imum|MINi mum|DEFau lt} C hange t rigg e red vot lag e set poi nt Y e s Set V o ltage Sle w Rat e V o ltage [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: SLEW:STEP { e-vo ltag e>|MAXimu m |MINimum |DEFault} Set s th e vol tage slew rat e volt ag e cha nge for t he pro g ramme d time int e rval Ye s Set V o ltage Sle w Rat e Int e rv al [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: SLEW:INTe rval{ wrat e-in terval>|M A Ximum|MI Nimum|DEF ault} Set s th e vol tage slew rat e ti m e in te rval for the p rogra mmed vo ltag e cha nge Ye s S e t Ov er C ur re nt Prot ect ion Level [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n[:OVER][ :LEV el] { > |MAXimum |MINimum} Set t he over curr ent p rot ectio n le vel Y es S e t Ov er C ur re nt Prot ect ion Shut down S tat e [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n[:OVER]: STAT e n-off-sta t e> Sele ct o ve r cu rrent prot ect ion to sh ut do w n(ON) or set a larm (OFF) Ye s Quer y Over Cur rent Prot ect ion T ripp e d [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n[:OVER]: TRIP ped? Quer y if o ve r cur rent prot ect ion mechani sm has t rip ped N/A Set Und e r Curre nt Prot ect ion Level [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n:UNDer[: LEVe l] { < current> | MAXimum| MINimum} Set u nder curr ent p rot ectio n le vel Y es Set Und e r Curre nt Prot ect ion Shut down S tat e [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n:UNDer:S TATe off-state > Sele ct u nder curr ent p rot ectio n to shut down (ON) or set al arm (OFF) Ye s Quer y Unde r Cu rrent Prot ect ion T ripp e d [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: PROTectio n:UNDer:T RIPp ed? Quer y if u nder curr ent p rot ectio n mechanism has tri pped N/A S e t Ov er V o lta g e Prot ect ion Level [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: PROTectio n[:OVER][ :LEV el] { > |MAXimum |MINimum} Set t he over volt age pro tect ion level Y es Quer y Over V o ltage Prot ect ion T ripp e d [SOU Rce][ n nel>]:VO LTage:PRO Tection[: OVER]:TRI Pped ? Quer y if o ve r vol tage pr ote ct ion me ch anism has t rip ped N/A Set Und e r V olt ag e Prot ect ion Level [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: PROTectio n:UNDer[: LEVe l] { < voltage> | MAXimum| MINimum} Set u nder volt age pro tect ion level N /A Set Und e r V olt ag e Prot ect ion Shut down S tat e [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: PROTectio n:UNDer:S TATe off-state > Sele ct unde r volt ag e prot ect ion t o shut do wn (ON) or set al arm (OFF) Ye s Quer y Unde r V o ltage Prot ect ion T ripp e d [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :VOLTage: PROTectio n:UNDer:T RIPp ed? Quer y if u nder volt age pro tect ion mechanism has tri pped N/A Set Hig h Cu rrent Limit [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: LIMit:HIG H { rrent>|MA X imum|MIN imum} Set upper li mit o f curre nt set poin t ra nge (sof t limit s) Ye s Set L o w Cur rent Limit [[:] SOURce][< c hannel>] :CURRent: LIMit:LOW { rrent>|MA X imum|MIN imum} S e t l o w er li m it of c ur re nt s et p oi n t r a ng e (s of t limit s) Ye s