Predefined formats – Xerox 4450 User Manual
Page 21

You placed the letter “A” at location (2,1). If you are measuring
grid units in inches, the origin of the “A” character cell is located
two inches down and one inch to the right of the form origin. If
you are measuring the grid in cpi and lpi units, the origin of the
“A” character cell is located two lines down and one character
width to the right of the form origin. At 10 cpi and 6 lpi, the “A”
is .33 inches down from the form origin and .10 inches to the
Negative coordinates
Negative x and y values also may be used to place form elements
above and/or to the left of the form origin, as long as the values
are within system page boundaries.
UNIT value
The unit value of the GRID command specifies the unit of
measurement that the FDL commands use to position form
elements on the page. Optionally, you can select a predefined
format that automatically provides grid unit values. Individual
FDL commands may override GRID unit values.
Predefined formats
A set of predefined print description entries or formats, having
standard format specifications, is provided on the Operating
System Software (OSS) tapes. You may use the standard formats
or define your own to suit your specific needs.
Refer to the “Standard print formats” appendix for a list of the
standard LPS print formats.
These standard formats provide commonly used impact printer
conversion formats for use with specific page sizes and
orientations. Use the Xerox design ruler to assist you in
measuring character and line spacing. The ruler has eight scales
that conform to the standard format grid.
Refer to the “Support tools and measurements” appendix for
more information on the forms design ruler.
FMT1 (landscape) or FMT6 (portrait) is used by FDL to provide
default values for page orientation, form origin, and grid unit
dimensions, provided there are no explicit overriding parameters.
Unless overridden by an explicit orientation PAGE SIZE
parameter, the virtual page size in a predefined format is always
the sysgen-specified paper size. The virtual page origin is located
at the upper left corner of the physical page.