WHP Wireless DL360 User Manual
WHP Wireless Computers
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP ProLiant DL360 Generation 4 Server Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
- Notice
- Contents
- Server Component Identification
- Front Panel Components
- Front Panel LEDs and Buttons
- Rear Panel Components
- Rear Panel LEDs and Buttons
- System Board Components
- System Board LEDs
- System LEDs and Internal Health LED Combinations
- Internal USB Connector
- SCSI IDs and SATA Device Numbers
- Hot-Plug SCSI Hard Drive LEDs
- Hot-Plug SCSI Hard Drive LED Combinations
- Optional Battery-Backed Write Cache Enabler LEDs
- Battery-Backed Write Cache Enabler LED Statuses
- Fan Module Locations
- Processor Zone Fan Module LED
- Server Operations
- Server Setup
- Hardware Options Installation
- Server Cabling
- Server Software and Configuration Utilities
- Configuration Tools
- Management Tools
- Diagnostic Tools
- Keeping the System Current
- Battery Replacement
- Troubleshooting
- Server Diagnostic Steps
- Procedures for All ProLiant Servers
- Error Messages
- ADU Error Messages
- Introduction to ADU Error Messages
- Accelerator Board not Detected
- Accelerator Error Log
- Accelerator Parity Read Errors: X
- Accelerator Parity Write Errors: X
- Accelerator Status: Cache was Automatically Configured During Last Controller Reset
- Accelerator Status: Data in the Cache was Lost...
- Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected has Reached Limit...
- Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected...
- Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in at Least One Cache Line...
- Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in Multiple Cache Lines...
- Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data Detected
- Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Discarded
- Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Flushed (Written) to Drives
- Accelerator Status: Permanently Disabled
- Accelerator Status: Possible Data Loss in Cache
- Accelerator Status: Temporarily Disabled
- Accelerator Status: Unrecognized Status
- Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset
- Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert
- Adapter/NVRAM ID Mismatch
- Array Accelerator Battery Pack X not Fully Charged
- Array Accelerator Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage (Recharging)
- Board in Use by Expand Operation
- Board not Attached
- Cache Has Been Disabled Because ADG Enabler Dongle is Broken or Missing
- Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose Pin on One of the RAM Chips
- Configuration Signature is Zero
- Configuration Signature Mismatch
- Controller Communication Failure Occurred
- Controller Detected. NVRAM Configuration not Present
- Controller Firmware Needs Upgrading
- Controller is Located in Special "Video" Slot
- Controller Is Not Configured
- Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X
- Controller Restarted with a Signature of Zero
- Disable Command Issued
- Drive (Bay) X Firmware Needs Upgrading
- Drive (Bay) X has Insufficient Capacity for its Configuration
- Drive (Bay) X has Invalid M&P Stamp
- Drive (Bay) X Has Loose Cable
- Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive
- Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive Marked OK
- Drive (Bay) X is Failed
- Drive (Bay) X is Undergoing Drive Recovery
- Drive (Bay) X Needs Replacing
- Drive (Bay) X Upload Code Not Readable
- Drive (Bay) X Was Inadvertently Replaced
- Drive Monitoring Features Are Unobtainable
- Drive Monitoring is NOT Enabled for SCSI Port X Drive ID Y
- Drive Time-Out Occurred on Physical Drive Bay X
- Drive X Indicates Position Y
- Duplicate Write Memory Error
- Error Occurred Reading RIS Copy from SCSI Port X Drive ID
- FYI: Drive (Bay) X is Third-Party Supplied
- Identify Logical Drive Data did not Match with NVRAM
- Insufficient Adapter Resources
- Inter-Controller Link Connection Could Not Be Established
- Less Than 75% Batteries at Sufficient Voltage
- Less Than 75% of Batteries at Sufficient Voltage Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage
- Logical Drive X Failed Due to Cache Error
- Logical Drive X Status = Failed
- Logical Drive X Status = Interim Recovery (Volume Functional, but not Fault Tolerant)
- Logical Drive X Status = Loose Cable Detected...
- Logical Drive X Status = Overheated
- Logical Drive X Status = Overheating
- Logical Drive X Status = Recovering (rebuilding data on a replaced drive)
- Logical Drive X Status = Wrong Drive Replaced
- Loose Cable Detected - Logical Drives May Be Marked FAILED Until Corrected
- Mirror Data Miscompare
- No Configuration for Array Accelerator Board
- NVRAM Configuration Present, Controller not Detected
- One or More Drives is Unable to Support Redundant Controller Operation
- Other Controller Indicates Different Hardware Model
- Other Controller Indicates Different Firmware Version
- Other Controller Indicates Different Cache Size
- RIS Copies Between Drives Do Not Match
- SCSI Port X Drive ID Y failed - REPLACE (failure message)
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Firmware Needs Upgrading
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Has Exceeded the Following Threshold(s)
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y is not Stamped for Monitoring
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y May Have a Loose Connection...
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y RIS Copies Within This Drive Do Not Match
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the Factory Monitor and Performance Data...
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the Power Monitor and Performance Data...
- SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Was Replaced On a Good Volume: (failure message)
- Set Configuration Command Issued
- Soft Firmware Upgrade Required
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X has a Cabling Error (Bus Disabled)...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Door Alert...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Power Supply Failure...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated an Overheated Condition...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X is Unsupported with its Current Firmware Version...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Failed...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan is Degraded...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Module is Unplugged...
- Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X - Wide SCSI Transfer Failed...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Configured Array of Drives...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Drive Rearrangement...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. An Unsupported Drive Arrangement Was Attempted...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Cables Appear To Be Interchanged...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Configuration Information on the Attached Drives...
- Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Maximum Logical Volume Count X...
- System Board is Unable to Identify which Slots the Controllers are in
- This Controller Can See the Drives but the Other Controller Can't
- The Redundant Controllers Installed are not the Same Model...
- This Controller Can't See the Drives but the Other Controller Can
- Unable to Communicate with Drive on SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y
- Unable to Retrieve Identify Controller Data. Controller May be Disabled or Failed
- Unknown Disable Code
- Unrecoverable Read Error
- Warning Bit Detected
- WARNING - Drive Write Cache is Enabled on X
- WARNING: Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated it is Operating in Single Ended Mode...
- Write Memory Error
- Wrong Accelerator
- POST Error Messages and Beep Codes
- Event List Error Messages
- Introduction to Event List Error Messages
- A CPU Power Module (System Board, Socket X)...
- ASR Lockup Detected: Cause
- Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Fan Failure
- Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Overheat Condition...
- Blue Screen Trap: Cause [NT]...
- Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Memory Module Y)...
- EISA Expansion Bus Master Timeout (Slot X)...
- PCI Bus Error (Slot X, Bus Y, Device Z, Function X)
- Processor Correctable Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Socket Y)
- Processor Uncorrectable Internal Error (Slot X, Socket Y)
- Real-Time Clock Battery Failing
- System AC Power Overload (Power Supply X)
- System AC Power Problem (Power Supply X)
- System Fan Failure (Fan X, Location)
- System Fans Not Redundant
- System Overheating (Zone X, Location)
- System Power Supplies Not Redundant
- System Power Supply Failure (Power Supply X)
- Unrecoverable Host Bus Data Parity Error...
- Uncorrectable Memory Error (Slot X, Memory Module Y)...
- ADU Error Messages
- Electrostatic Discharge
- Regulatory Compliance Notices
- Regulatory Compliance Identification Numbers
- Federal Communications Commission Notice
- Declaration of Conformity for Products Marked with the FCC Logo, United States Only
- Modifications
- Cables
- Mouse Compliance Statement
- Canadian Notice (Avis Canadien)
- European Union Notice
- Japanese Notice
- BSMI Notice
- Korean Notices
- Laser Compliance
- Battery Replacement Notice
- Server Specifications
- Technical Support
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Index