2 ira character set, Ira character set, At+cpms=,,

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GE863-GPS Software User Guide

1vv0300724 Rev. 2 - 24/01/07

The GE863-GPS allows the user to select a different storage for the read-delete, write-send, and
reception-saving SMS operations.

send command



: memory storage for Read and Delete commands



- "ME" (No Delete operations allowed)

: memory storage for Write and Send commands
: memory storage for new incoming message saving

- "SM" only

wait for response in the format:




- number of SMS stored into
- max number of SMS that can contain
- number of SMS stored into
max number of SMS that can contain
- number of SMS stored into
max number of SMS that can contain

From this response you can check if the selected storage has room for new SMSs, the free positions
in the storage X (where X can be r,w,s ) are -.

3.5.2 IRA character set

The character set used in SMS text mode is the IRA.
This set defines each char as a 7-bit value, hence from 0x00 to 0x7F. The table below reports all the
chars supported and their hexadecimal code. To obtain the code for a char in the table remember that
in the row it is reported the least significant nibble (4 bits) and in the column the most significant
nibble. The empty cells correspond to reserved combinations.

Most Significant Nibble

0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x




0 @ P p

x1 ! 1 A

Q a q

x2 " 2 B

R b r

x3 # 3 C

S c s

x4 $ 4 D T d t
x5 % 5 E

U e u

Least Significant


x6 & 6 F V f v

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