6 placing a voice call, 1 voice call device set up, 1 set the device in voice mode – Telit Wireless Solutions GE863 User Manual
Page 21: 2 set the desired audio path active, Placing a voice call, Voice call device set up, At+fclass=8
GE863-GPS Software User Guide
1vv0300724 Rev. 2 - 24/01/07
2.6 Placing a Voice call
Before a voice call can be placed, it is recommended to check if the mobile is registered on a network
(see par. and if the signal strength is enough to ensure a call can be made.
2.6.1 Voice call device set up Set the device in voice mode
• Send command
• wait
NOTE: This command may be omitted if the modifier ";" is added at the end of the ATD command
after the number to be dialed. Set the desired audio path active
The GE863-GPS has two different audio paths:
• internal microphone/ear (MT)
• external microphone/ear (HF)
Usually the internal path is used for a handset function, while the external is used for handsfree
function. There are two way to switch between these two paths:
• SOFTWARE: by using the command AT#CAP=
• HARDWARE: by setting AT#CAP=0 and setting the AXE input high (internal MT) or low
(external HF).
If only one path is needed, then it is preferable to use the internal one (MT).
TIP: when Hardware control is not needed AXE pin can be left unconnected.
TIP: the audio paths can be switched also during a call in both ways.
• Send command
• wait
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