Toro GREENKEEPER 212 User Manual

Page 15

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24-Hour Clock Mode

The GreenKeeper 212 is
set to display time in the
12-hour clock mode. If you
prefer to use a 24-hour
clock mode (military time),
select this option by remov-
ing the 12/24 Hour Selector
Jumper (5). To store the
jumper, install it on one pin
as shown. See Figure 3.

15-Second Run Delay

The 15-second run delay feature is useful for sprinkler
systems utilizing a pump or master valve. For example,
a pump usually requires a few seconds to build pressure
after first starting. With the 15-second run delay select-
ed, the pump would be running (or the master valve
would open) 15 seconds before the first station begins
watering. A 15-second delay would also occur between
station operations. This helps ensure that one valve is
closed before another valve opens.
Note: A 2-second run delay will occur if this option is not
To select the 15-second delay option, remove the Delay
Selector Jumper (6). See Figure 3.

Odd/Even Watering Days

If you plan to use an Odd/Even day watering schedule,
remove the Odd/Even Selector Jumper (7) for this option.

The GreenKeeper 212 has a permanent watering sched-
ule within its memory to assist you in two ways. First, it
will restore watering operation in case your watering pro-
gram is lost due to a power interruption lasting longer
than the battery backup reserve. This prevents your
landscape from going unwatered if the power outage
occurs while you are away.

Secondly, if you do not want to program your
GreenKeeper 212, you can use the permanent water-
ing schedule to operate your sprinklers. Just set the
current time and day and your GreenKeeper 212 will
be ready to operate automatically.

The permanent watering schedule operates as follows:
When power is applied, the controller clock is set to


Sunday. Program A has a Calendar watering

schedule set to water every day. One program start time
is set for 5:00


(5:00) and a run time of 10 minutes is

set for each station. Programs B and C are turned Off
and have no program start times or run times.

Note: An optional feature is provided which enables the
The GreenKeeper 212 memory to be reset to the perma-
nent program or cleared completely if you choose. If you
do not want to use this option, skip the next procedure
“Resetting The Controller Memory” and continue at page
16 to begin programming.

About the GreenKeeper 212 Memory

Selecting Optional Features



Figure 3