Tungsten Affinity TUNGSTUN T3 User Manual

Page 406

background image



opening 139
prioritizing records 140, 146
private records 344
purging records 146
sort order setting 146
sorting records 51
viewing reminders 171

TCP/IP 319, 334
TDA (Tasks archive file) 33
Technical Support 355, 373

entry. See Entering data
files, importing data from 33, 34
fonts for 52
size setting in Web Pro 251

Thousands separator 317

alarm setting 69
Daylight Saving settings and

options 264–266

format 317
setting current 263, 315
setting event 66
start and end for Calendar Day view 77

Time Zone 265
Tips, online 15
Title bar 238
To field 188
Today. See Current date
Transmitting data. See Beaming, information

and Sending, data using Bluetooth


automatically emptying 211
creating other folders 185
emptying deleted e-mai
l 210–211
setting frequency in preferences 211

Troubleshooting 366
Trusted devices, adding trusted

devices 303–304

Trusted pairs, creating 313
Turning off handheld

automatically 336
pen stroke for 307
problems with 358

Turning on handheld

displaying owner’s name 335
power button 9
problems with 357


Uninstalling Desktop software 61
Universal connector 11, 309
Unread mail 156
Unread messages, marking 211
Unresponsive handheld 358
Untimed events 68, 70

a MultiMail database 148


beaming 247
changing home page 253
e-mailing 247
entering in Palm Web Browser Pro 239
Entry field 238, 240
truncated 245


in e-mail messages 197


cradle/cable 270, 272, 279, 281, 309
port 1, 2, 3, 279, 281, 309
troubleshooting 361, 362, 363, 370

User cache, enabling/disabling 305
User name

for ISP 321
identifying handheld 334

User profiles, HotSync 294–296
Username 154

editing in account 160
synchronizing existing 148


vCal 33, 34
vCard 33, 34
Vendor for Expense item 99

application 147
icons 174, 193
launching from Palm Web Browser

Pro 247

problems with 369
setting preferences for 213

Vibrate alarm 171, 347
Video files 55, 58

bookmarked web pages 248
web pages 239