Rowe CD-100K User Manual
Page 76

Section 2: Installation & Programming
2 - 5 1
Table 2-5A. Menu & Command Descriptions
273 Scroll Message - Message editor for the 2nd scrolling line of a 2 line display. See Programming
the Rowe Message Center. (Not used in this model phonograph.)
274 4-Hour Clear - Displays and toggles the 4-Hour Clear option ON or OFF. When 4-Hour Clear is
ON, all selections remaining to be played will be cleared (if the phonograph is turned OFF for more than
4 consecutive hours, or the number of minutes entered by COMMAND 692). When this option is OFF,
selections to be played will remain in the phonographs memory and they will play when the phonograph
is turned back ON. Hold RESET and press 9 to toggle this option ON or OFF. Press POPULAR to
save the change.
275-276 Not Used
277 Discs Track Low Limit - Allows you to view and change lower disc limits. The Track no. displayed
is the lowest track no. that can be selected for that disc. To view disc lower limits, type the disc number.
Press and hold RESET then press 3 (next disc ) or 2 (previous disc) to view the next or previous disc
lower limits. To change a discs lower limits, display the limits, then press POPULAR. Type the new
limits, then press POPULAR.
278 VIDEO CDS - Set to JUK or ON to play video CD’s. OFF for audio CD’s. Press and hold RESET
then press 9 to toggle between OFF, JUK, or ON. When setting to JUK, the video CD’s must be
entered in the Priority (61) buffer, and all discs not in the priority buffer are audio CD’s. When setting
to ON, all discs are video CD’s. Press POPULAR to save your selection.
279 Not Used
3 INITIALIZE - This menu establishes the CD track numbers and saves them.
30 Full Initialize - Starts full mechanism initialization. Press POPULAR to select and note that the display
will blink when this command is executed. All disc limits are set to 99, then as each disc is scanned, new
limits are automatically entered into memory. Initialization begins when the SERVICE switch is moved
to the NORMAL position. Full initialization takes about 30 minutes. During this time, selections can
be played, but initialization will not continue until the phonograph is scanned out.
31 Program Initialize - Initializes specific discs automatically. Type the disc number to be initialized then
press POPULAR. Type disc numbers until all disc numbers that need initializing have been entered.
Initialization will begin when the service switch is moved back to the NORMAL position.
32 Disc Initialize and Track Limits - Allows you to view and change disc limits manually. To view
disc limits, type the disc number. Press and hold RESET, then press 3 (next disc) or 2 (previous disc)
to view the next or previous disc limits. To a change a discs limits, display the limits then press
POPULAR. Type the new limits, then press POPULAR.