Rowe CD-100K User Manual
Page 69

CD-100K Phonograph
2 - 4 4
Table 2-5A. Menu & Command Descriptions
Security On/Off - If set to OFF, Security Level 3 is automatically established when entering the
SERVICE MODE. When security is set to ON, Level 1 is established when SERVICE MODE is entered
and the proper four-digit security code must be entered to access Security Level 2 or 3. Leave security OFF,
unless you need security to prevent tampering. Hold RESET and press 9 to select ON or OFF. Press
POPULAR to save your choice. Security can be turned ON from any security level, but can only be turned
OFF in Security Level 3.
Not used
MODEM - Contains the programming options for setting up the modem communications.
Modem Password - This password is used when calls are received from the office. Enter the 7-digit
password, and push POPULAR.
Answer On Time - The time to enable calls to be received from the office (if menu item 084 is ON). Enter
the hour and push POPULAR. Enter the minute and push POPULAR.
Answer Off Time - The time to disable calling from the office. Enter the hour and push POPULAR. Enter
the minute and push POPULAR.
# of Rings to Answer On - The number of times the phone will ring before it is answered by the modem
(if menu item 084 is ON). Enter the # and push POPULAR.
Modem Receive - If set to ON, calls will be answered by the modem. If set to OFF, no calls will be
answered by the modem. Hold RESET and push 9 to set ON or OFF, then push POPULAR.
Connect Delay Time - If modem is in Receive Mode, this is the time in seconds to delay between the
CONNECT 9600 message and the PASSWORD message. For Post Error/Report Mode, it is the time
in seconds to delay between the CONNECT 9600 message and the start of the Report or Error message.
Enter the time in seconds and push POPULAR.
Modem Transmit Initialize String - This is the initialization string sent to the modem before the modem
will page or post to the office (if menu items 0890 and/or 0896 and/or 0897 are ON). Push POPULAR
to display the string. See Editing Numbers/Strings to modify the string.
Modem Receive Initialize String - This is the initialization string sent to the modem before the modem
will answer a call from the office (if menu items 084 is ON). Push POPULAR to display the string. See
Editing Numbers/Strings to modify the string.
Restore Modem Factory Initialization Strings - Resets strings at menu items 086 and 087. Also
resets telephone nos. and suffix at menu items 0894, 0898, and 0899. Press POPULAR to perform this