Important, Sound system – Rowe CD-100K User Manual
Page 55

CD-100K Phonograph
2 - 3 0
+ Before setting these controls, do Steps 1-5 in Table 2-2B to ensure that the amplifier is
not overloaded.
+ Each of these controls can limit the maximum volume for its range by as much as 85%.
+ This means that if a control is set to minimum, that the maximum power available for
that range is only about 40 watts.
+ If all of the graphic equalizer controls are set to minimum, then the phonograph will
produce no more than approximately 40 watts of its 250 watt capacity.
Acoustical Compensation (Equalizer Tone Controls)
The preamplifier contains seven tone controls on each channel to compensate for room acoustics in various locations.
These controls are on the amplifier chassis. The sound level at which the phonograph will be operated and the room
furnishings determine the settings of these controls.
A room with carpet and drapery is a soft or highly absorbent location. A crowded room is also highly absorbent.
These location require greater emphasis of high frequencies.
A room with paneled walls and a bare or tiled floor is a hard, nonabsorbent location, which requires greater low
frequency emphasis.
Regardless of the room acoustics, the high and low frequency characteristics of your speakers can influence the
equalizer settings as much or more than the room acoustics.
What This Graphic Equalizer Does
This graphic equalizer controls the tone for seven specific tone ranges. The frequency for each range is printed next
to each equalizer control.
Equalizer Settings
These equalizers work equally well for stereo and mono sound and may be used with single and dual volume controls.
The settings that follow will give a good sound for a room with the matching acoustics (highly absorbent, moderately
absorbent, nonabsorbent). Set the right and left channel equalizer controls to the positions that match the room
described (or most closely described) in the three illustrations that follow this paragraph. These settings may be just
right or they may not sound 100% right to you. If the sound is not satisfactory, make small changes in the settings
until the sound is just the way you want it.