Speaker synopsis – Rowe CD-100K User Manual
Page 47

CD-100K Phonograph
2 - 2 2
The generic speaker wiring diagrams cover 4 to 32 speakers. Diagram 1 has a 4 speaker layout. If you only want
the four speaker layout, then the maximum output of each speaker would have to be rated 4 ohms and capable of
300 watts.
Question: Why a 300 watt rating on the speaker?
Answer: Safety factor/life of speaker.
These speakers are expensive, providing a lot of sound in a localized area which does not optimize the room sound.
A better way to distribute the sound is by adding more speakers. Diagram 2 has a layout of 8 speakers at 8 ohms
each and only having a rating of 150 watts each, which includes a safety factor. The expense factor should now be
less for each speaker.
For a really big room, Diagram 3 may be the best scenario. Diagram 3 shows a series/parallel hookup with up to
16 speakers. The advantage is the ratings are 4 ohms at only 75 watts each. Thus giving you a lot of sound at a
reasonable price. To ensure the speakers work correctly, the 2 wired in series should be of the same make and
model. Different models wired in series will not give equal outputs, and the frequency response may be strange.
Question: Too many speakers now?
Answer: Simply leave off as many speakers as you wish, as long as it is 2 at a time, which means a series combo
To minimize cost, it is recommended to utilize Diagram 4. This shows 32 speakers, their rating only has to be 8 ohms
at 50 watts. This allows you to use inexpensive speakers which can be found at the big electronic stores. This also
provides you the chance to A/B them for sound. Try also to get the most efficient speakers.