Fixed interrupt vector definition ) – Renesas Emulator System M3T-MR100 User Manual
Page 263

6. Switch passed to PRAGMA extended function
[( Definition format )]
[( Definition range )]
E, F, B or R
[( Default value )]
Specify the switch to be passed to #pragma INTHANDLER or #pragma INTERRUPT. If "E" is specified, a "/E"
switch is selected, in which case multiple interrupts are enabled. If "F" is specified, a "/F" switch is selected, in
which case a "FREIT" instruction is output at return from the interrupt handler. If "B" is specified, a "/B" switch
is selected, in which case register bank 1 is selected. If "R" is specified, a "/R" switch is selected, in which case
no codes are output that change the floating-number rounding mode of the FLG register to the "nearest value."
Multiple switches can be specified at the same time. However, if a kernel managed interrupt handler is con-
cerned, only the "E" or "R" switch can be specified. For non-kernel managed interrupt handlers, the "E", "F" and
"B" switches can be specified, providing that "E" and "B" are not specified at the same time.
[( Fixed interrupt vector definition )]
This definition needs to be set when interrupt handlers based on fixed vector table are used.
<< Format >>
// Fixed Interrupt Vector Definition
Vector No.
Start address
Switch passed to PRAGMA extended function
The interrupt vector number can be set in the range from 0 to 11. The relationship between the vector numbers and the in-
terrupts and vector addresses is shown below. All these interrupts are handled as non-kernel managed interrupt handlers.