Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
Page 94

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7. Click the Device/Node Policies tab. A table of policies appears.
Figure 77 The Policies Tab on the Add User Group Screen
The All Policies table lists all the policies available on CC-SG. Each policy represents a rule
allowing (or denying) access to a group of nodes. Please refer to Chapter 8: Policies for more
information on policies and how they are created.
8. In the All Policies list, select a policy that you want to assign to the user group, and then click
Add to move the policy to the Selected Policies list. Policies in the Selected Policies list will
allow or deny users access to the node (or devices) controlled by this policy.
9. Repeat this step to add additional policies to the user group.
10. If you want to simply allow this group to access all available nodes, select the Full Access
Policy in the Add Policies list, then click Add.
11. If you want to remove a policy from the user group, select the policy name in the Selected
Policies list, and then click Remove.
12. When you are done configuring policies for this group, click Apply to save this group and
create another, or click OK to save the user group without creating more. If you click Apply,
repeat the steps in this section to add additional user groups.