Chat, Node groups, Figure 74 chat session for a node – Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
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Chat provides a way for users connected to the same node to communicate with each other. You
must be connected to a node to start a chat session for that node. Only users on the same node
will be able to chat with each other.
To engage in a chat session:
1. Click the Nodes tab to the left.
2. Right-click a node you are currently connected to and select Chat, then Start Chat Session if
no session has been created yet. A Chat session will be created.
Figure 74 Chat Session for a Node
If a chat session is in progress, Right-click the node, select Chat, then Show Chat Session to
join the chat session.
The chat session window will appear with the message fields on the left and a list of users in
the chat session on the right.
3. Type a message in the new message (lower left) field and press the <Enter> key or click
Send. The message will appear in the chat (upper left) field for all users to see.
4. Click Clear to clear any message you have typed in the new message field but have not sent.
Clear will not clear the chat field.
5. Click the Close to leave or end the chat session.
6. You will be prompted if you want to close the chat session. Click Yes to close the chat
session for all participants, click No to exit the chat session but leave it running for others.
You can also close a chat session for all participants from the nodes tab. Right-click the node with
the chat session, select Chat, then End Chat Session.
Node Groups
Node groups allow administrators to create logical groups of nodes either arbitrarily or based on
their Categories and Elements for use in creating access policies. Please refer to Chapter 8:
Policies for details on creating node groups and applying groups to policies.
The Node Groups window is available from the Nodes list by right-clicking and selecting Node