Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
Page 178

164 C
2. Click the SNMP tab.
Figure 169 Configuration Settings Device Settings Screen
3. To identify the SNMP agent running on CC-SG to a third-party enterprise Management
Solutions, provide agent information under Agent Configuration. Type a Port for the agent
(default is 161). Type a Read-Only Community string (default is public), and Read-Write
Community string, (default is private). Multiple community strings are allowed; separate
them with a comma. Type a System Contact, System Name, and System Location to
provide information regarding the managed node.
4. Click Update Agent Configuration to save the SNMP agent identifier information.
5. Under Traps Configuration, check the box marked Enable SNMP Traps to enable sending
SNMP traps from CC-SG to a SNMP host.
6. Check the checkboxes before the traps you want CC-SG to push to your SNMP hosts:
Under Trap Sources, there is a list of SNMP traps grouped into two different categories:
System Log traps, which include notifications for the status of the CC unit itself, such as a
hard disk failure, and Application Log traps for notifications generated by events in the CC
application, such as modifications to a user account. To enable traps by type, check the boxes
marked System Log and Application Log. Individual traps can be enabled or disabled by
checking their corresponding checkboxes Use Select All and Clear All to enable all traps or
clear all checkboxes. Refer to the MIB files for the list of SNMP traps that are provided.
Please refer to MIB Files for additional information.
7. Type the Trap Destination Host IP address and Port number used by SNMP hosts in the
Trap Destinations panel. Default port is 162.
8. Type the Community string and Version (v1 or v2) used by SNMP hosts in the Trap
Destinations panel.
9. Click Add to add this destination host to the list of configured hosts. To remove a host from
the list, select the host, and then click Remove. There is no limit to the number of managers
that can be set in this list.
10. When SNMP traps and their destinations are configured, click Update Trap Configuration.