Restarting cc-sg after shutdown, End cc-sg session, Log out – Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
Page 157: Exit cc-sg, Figure 142 shutdown cc-sg screen

1. On the System Maintenance menu, click Shutdown CommandCenter. The Shutdown
CommandCenter screen appears.
Figure 142 Shutdown CC-SG Screen
2. Type your password in the Password field.
3. Accept the default message or type a message to display to any users currently online in the
Broadcast message field (for example, you might give users a brief time period to finish
their tasks in CC-SG and tell them when they can expect the system to be functional again).
All users will be disconnected when you shutdown CC-SG.
4. Type the number of minutes, from 0-60, that should pass before CC-SG shuts down in the
Shutdown after (min) field.
5. Click OK to shut down CC-SG or Cancel to exit the screen without shutting down. Once you
shut down, the CC-SG login window appears.
Note: After CC-SG shuts down, all users are logged out and redirected to the login screen. Users
cannot log back in until you restart CC-SG as described in the next section.
Restarting CC-SG after Shutdown
After shutting down CC-SG, use one of these two methods to restart the unit:
1. Use the Diagnostic Console. Please refer to Diagnostic Console in Chapter 12: Advanced
Administration for additional information.
2. Recycle the power to your CC-SG unit.
End CC-SG Session
Log Out
To exit CC-SG at the end of a session, or to refresh the database in case you or another user have
made changes while you were logged in, log off from CC-SG entirely, then log in again.
1. On the Secure Gateway menu, click Logout. The Logout window appears.
2. Click Yes to log out of CC-SG or No to close the window. Once you log out, the CC-SG
login window appears.
3. Log on to CC-SG again, or click Exit to shut down CC-SG completely.
Exit CC-SG
If at any time you want to exit CC-SG, you can exit.
1. On the Secure Gateway menu, click Exit. The Exit window appears.
2. Click Yes to exit CC-SG or No to close the Exit window and continue working.