Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
Page 185

• Passwords must contain at least one special character (for example, an exclamation point or
When you are done configuring strong password rules, click Update to save the settings. All
selected rules are cumulative, that is all passwords must meet every criteria that the administrator
configures. After configuring strong password rules, all future passwords must meet these criteria
and all existing users will need to change their passwords at their next logins if the new criteria
are stronger than the previous criteria.. Strong password rules apply only to user profiles stored
locally. Password rules on an authentication server must be managed by the authentication server
Raritan suggests using the Message of the Day feature to provide advanced notice to users when
the strong password rules will be changing and what the new criteria are.
Lockout Settings
Administrators can lock out CC-SG, CC-NOC users, and SSH users after a specified number of
failed login attempts. This feature applies to users who are authenticated and authorized locally
by CC-SG and does not apply to users who are remotely authenticated by external servers. Please
refer to Chapter 9: Configuring Remote Authentication for additional information. Failed login
attempts due to insufficient user licenses also do not apply.
Note: By default, the
account is locked out for five minutes after three failed login
attempts. For
, the number of failed login attempts before lockout and after lockout is not
To configure user Lockout:
1. Check Lockout Enabled.
2. The default number of failed login attempts before a user is locked out is 3. You can change
this value by entering a number from 1 to 10.
3. Choose a Lockout Strategy:
a. If you choose Lockout for Period, specify the period of time, in minutes, the user will be
locked out before they can login again. The default number is 5 minutes, but you can
specify anywhere from 1 minute up to 1440 minutes (24 hours). After the time expires,
the user can login again. At any time during the lockout period, an administrator can
override this value and allow the user to log back into CC-SG.
b. If you choose Lockout Until Admin Allows Access, users are locked out until an
administrator allows them to log back in. To unlock a user, please refer to Chapter 10:
Generating Reports for additional information.
4. Type an email address in Lockout notification email so notification is sent to the address
informing the recipient that lockout has occurred. If the field is blank, notification is not sent.
5. Type a phone number in Administrator’s Phone if the administrator needs to be contacted.
6. Click Update to save configuration settings.
Allow Concurrent Logins per Username
These settings permit more than one concurrent session on CC-SG with the same Username.
1. Check Super User if you want to allow more than one simultaneous connection to CC-SG
under the admin account.
2. Check System Administrators if you want to allow concurrent logins with accounts under
the System Administrators user group.
3. Check Other Users if you want to allow concurrent logins with all other accounts.