Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual
Page 107

Describe Nodes
Figure 91 Describing a Node Group With Multiple Rules
1. Click the Select Nodes tab.
2. Click Add New Row to add a row in the table for a new rule. Rules take the form of an
expression which can be compared against nodes.
3. Double-click each column in the row to turn the appropriate cell into a drop-down menu, then
select the appropriate value for each component:
• Prefix – Leave this blank or select NOT. If NOT is selected, this rule will filter for
values opposite of the rest of the expression.
• Category – Select an attribute that will be evaluated in the rule. All categories you
created in the Association Manager will be available here. Also included are Node
Name and Interface.
• Operator – Select a comparison operation to be performed between the Category and
Element items. Three operators are available: = (is equal to), LIKE (used for find the
Element in a name) and <> (is not equal to).
• Element – Select a value for the Category attribute to be compared against. Only
elements associated with the selected category will display here (for example: if
evaluating a “Department” category, “Location” elements will not appear here).
• Rule Name- This is a name assigned to the rule in this row. You cannot edit these values.
Use these values for writing descriptions in the Short Expression field.
An example rule might be Department = Engineering, meaning it describes all
nodes that the category “Department” set to “Engineering.” This is exactly what happens
when you configure the associations during an Add Node operation.