Functions of performance parameters, Settings common to the entire performance (common) – Roland XP-30 User Manual
Page 83

Chapter 3. Creating Your Own Sounds
Chapter 3
Functions of Performance
Settings Common to the Entire
Performance (COMMON)
This display is used when setting parameters that are not part of
other groups. These include Performance Name and Key Mode.
PERFORM NAME (Performance Name)
You can assign a name to the Performance of up to 12 characters.
* For details on assigning names, refer to
Some parameters allow you to set a time value in terms of a
note length which is determined by a specified tempo; Rate
parameters (PATCH/LFO/LFO1, 2), Time parameter
(PATCH/WAVE/TONE DELAY), and some Multi-Effects
parameters. The specified tempo used by these parameters
can be set for each Patch. However when a Patch is used in
Performance mode, the Patch settings will be ignored, and
the settings of this display will be used instead.
Source (Performance Clock Source)
Select the source of the Performance Clock.
Synchronize to the Performance Tempo setting.
Synchronize to the tempo clock of the ststem.
* The Performance Clock does not transmit clock messages from
MIDI OUT connector.
Tempo (Performance Tempo)
Set the Performance Tempo setting.
* When Source (Performance Clock Source) is set to SYSTEM,
synchronization will be according to the tempo clock of the
system, so it will not be possible to set the tempo value. The
tempo of the system will be displayed in parentheses ( ).
Key Mode
This parameter determines how the sound source will be
played from the XP-30’s keyboard.
When you play the keyboard, all Parts whose Local
parameter (PERFORM/MIDI/MIDI) is turned on
will sound. Transmission of MIDI messages from
the controller section to external MIDI devices will
be determined by the Tx parameter setting
(PERFORM/MIDI/MIDI) of each Part.
When you play the keyboard, only the specified
Part (the Part shown in the display) will sound.
MIDI messages will be transmitted from the
controller section to the external MIDI devices
even if the Local parameter and Tx parameter
settings for each Part (PERFORM/MIDI/MIDI)
are turned off.
* If you have selected a Layer-type Performance, the upper right of
the PERFORM PLAY display will indicate “LAYER p*” (* is
the part number). If you have selected a Single-type
Performance, the number of the Part that can be played from the
keyboard will be displayed.
* If LAYER has been selected and you try to play Patches of all
Parts, you probably won’t be able to play many simultaneous
voices. When layering Patches, be aware of the number of voices
available and turn off unnecessary Parts. Making Key Range
settings for each Part allows you to split the keyboard to play
different Parts in separate sections.
* To switch between SINGLE and LAYER from the PERFORM
PLAY display, hold down [SHIFT] while you press [SOLO].
Key Range (Key Range Switch)
This parameter determines whether or not the Key Range
settings (next display) will be applied or not. If you want
them to be applied, turn this ON.
KEY RANG (Key Range)
Set the range in which each Part will sound. Use this when
you wish to play different Patches in different areas of the
Lower (Key Range Lower)
Set the lowest note that the Part will play.
Upper (Key Range Upper)
Set the highest note that the Part will play.
* If Key Range settings have been made for the Patch, only the
notes for which the Key Range settings of the Patch and
Performance overlap will play.
* It is not possible to set Lower to a value greater than Upper, nor
Upper to a value less than Lower. If you attempt to do so, both
values will change together.
* If you have used Octave Shift (System) or the Transpose
parameter (SYSTEM/CONTROL/KEYBOARD) to transpose
the pitch of the XP-30’s keyboard, the keyboard area specified by
Key Range will also be shifted.
Octave Shift
This parameter adjusts the pitch of each Part in units of an
octave (-3–+3 octaves).