Using the slider to pan sounds in real time, Using the xp-30 to play live, Changing sounds with a pedal switch – Roland XP-30 User Manual

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Chapter 6. Getting the Full Potential of the XP-30

Chapter 6

Using the Slider to Pan Sounds

in Real Time

You can assign various functions to the C1 slider. In this
example, the stereo location (pan position) of a Patch will
change by moving the C1 sliders up or down.

1. Call up the C1 ASSIGN display (SYSTEM/CONTROL).

2. Set the Assign parameter to CC10:PANPOT.

* With other Assign parameter settings, you can try different


3. Select a Patch on the PATCH PLAY display.

4. Press [CONTROLLER] to light the indicator.

5. Move the C1 slider while you play the keyboard.
You’ll notice that sound will pan right and left.

* If the stereo location of the sound is difficult to hear, press

[EFFECTS ON/OFF] to turn off each effect unit (Multi-Effects,
Chorus, Reverb) (p. 62).

Using the XP-30 to Play Live

Changing Multiple Sounds of

an External MIDI Device


When a different Performance is selected, the sound
corresponding to the Bank Select number and Program
number of the selected Performance will usually be chosen
on the external MIDI device.
Once you have set the Bank Select number and Program
number for each Part to match the desired sound of the
external MIDI device, you can select several sounds on the
external MIDI device by changing the Performance.

1. Select the Part to be used to control the external MIDI


2. Call up the BANK-SEL GROUP display (SYSTEM/


3. Set the Number parameter to select the appropriate bank

select group to match the bank select of your external
MIDI device, turn the Switch parameter ON for that
group, and set the LSB and MSB parameters.

4. After switching to the MIDI display (PERFORM/MIDI)

for the part that will control the external MIDI device, set
the Channel parameter to match the receive channel of
the external MIDI device, and turn the Tx parameter ON.

5. Select the TRANSMIT (PERFORM/MIDI) display, and

set the Bank Select Group parameter to the bank select
group that you selected in step 3.

6. Call up the PATCH display (PERFORM/PART) and set

the Number parameter to the same number as the
Program number of the sound you wish to play from the
external MIDI device.

* If the Program number of the external MIDI device reads 0–127,

set the P.C Number parameter by adding 1 to the external MIDI
device’s value.

7. Save the Performance.

8. Try changing from another Performance to the

Performance just saved, and see if the sound of the
external MIDI device changes to what you want. If not,
check your settings and the external MIDI device.

Changing Sounds with a Pedal


You can change Patch/Performance/Rhythm Set in
succession using a pedal switch.

1. Connect a pedal switch to a CONTROL PEDAL jack.

2. Call up the CONTROL PEDAL display (SYSTEM/

CONTROL) and set the Assign parameter to 98:PROG-

3. Call up the PLAY display of a sound source.

4. Each time you press the pedal, you call up the next Patch,

Performance or Rhythm Set.