National Instruments SCXI-1121 User Manual
Page 158

timing diagram, 2-46
Slot 0 Register
description, 4-5
programming hardscan circuitry,
5-13 to 5-14
Slot-Select Register, 4-6
register writes, 5-2 to 5-4
RESET* signal (table), 3-4, C-3
Revision A and B
parts locator diagram
detailed, F-3
general, F-2
photograph, F-1
specifications for RTD mode, A-3
using with SCXI-1321 terminal block,
2-27 to 2-28
RTEMP bit, 4-4
safety specifications, A-4
SCAL bit, 4-3
SCAL signal (table), 2-18, D-3
SCANCLK signal
description (table), 2-38, B-2
timing requirements, 2-42
SCANCLKEN bit, 4-4
SCANCON signal (table), 3-5, C-4
SCANCONEN bit, 4-4, 4-8
SCANDIV bit, scanning measurements,
5-9 to 5-10
scanning measurements, programming,
5-7 to 5-15
acquisition enable, triggering, and
servicing, 5-14 to 5-15
Counter 1 and SCANDIV, 5-9 to 5-10
data acquisition board setup, 5-7 to 5-9
examples, 5-15 to 5-17
module programming, 5-10 to 5-13
multiple-chassis scanning, 5-12 to 5-13
multiple-module multiplexed
scanning, 5-12
single-module multiplexed scanning,
5-11 to 5-12
single-module parallel scanning, 5-10
Slot 0 hardscan circuitry, 5-13 to 5-14
scanning modes, 3-17 to 3-20
analog output circuitry, 3-15
multiple-chassis scanning, 3-20
multiple-module multiplexed
scanning, 3-19
multiplexed scanning, 3-17 to 3-18
single-module multiplexed scanning,
3-18 to 3-19
single-module parallel scanning, 3-17
SCXI-1121. See also configuration;
installation; theory of operation.
block diagram, 3-1
custom cables, 1-5
kit contents, 1-2
major components, 3-2
optional equipment (table), 1-4
optional software, 1-2 to 1-3
overview, 1-1
parts locator diagrams
detailed (figure), 2-2
general (figure), 2-1
Revision A and B
parts locator diagram, F-2 to F-3
photograph, F-1
unpacking, 1-6
SCXI-1121 cabling
SCXI-1180 feedthrough panel,
E-8 to E-10
SCXI-1302 50-pin terminal block,
E-10 to E-11
SCXI-1340 cable assembly, E-1 to E-4
SCXI-1341 Lab-NB, Lab-PC, or
Lab-PC+ cable assembly, E-4 to E-6
SCXI-1342 PC-LPM-16 cable assembly,
E-6 to E-8