L130, L230, Evice – NComputing L300 User Manual
Page 14: Etup, Important

L300/L230/L130 User Manual
L300 Firmware Update
It is always recommended to use the latest available version of firmware on your L300 device. Each
installation of vSpace includes the latest firmware, so no additional downloads are necessary to complete this
process. On some older versions of firmware, the firmware must be “pulled” by the device. On newer
versions (starting with “Board Ver. 10001” or “Version 1.00.01”), the firmware may be “pushed” to the device by
the vSpace software. Both methods are given below:
To pull a new firmware version, simply go to your L300 device and open the Device Setup screen. Under the
“Update” tab, check the “Automatic Firmware Update” checkbox and click “Apply” (or “Update Now”) to initiate
the firmware update process. Follow the on-screen prompts as necessary.
To push a new firmware version use the NC Console application. With vSpace 4, open My Computer and
navigate to t
he vSpace install directory (“C:\Program Files\NComputing\NComputing vSpace\” by default).
Within this folder, locate and run the “NCCONSOLE” application. With vSpace 6, you can launch the NC
Console application directly from the Start menu (Start/All Programs/NComputing vSpace/NC-Console).
Once in the console navigate to Terminals > L-Series and locate the desired L300 device in the right-hand
pane. Right-
click this device, select “Update Firmware,” and follow the onscreen prompts to initiate the
firmware update. You can select multiple devices at the same time (hold down the SHIFT or CTRL keys while
selecting devices) and then apply the update to the group of devices at one time.
Once the firmware update has completed, the device will automatically restart. Note that some older builds of
firmware (prior to 1.00.00) must be updated twice to reach the latest version of firmware. Repeat the firmware
update process above until either the device reports “no newer firmware found”, or the firmware version (found
in the Device Information screen in the device firmware or in the NC Console) matches that provided in the
vSpace release notes for your version of software.
To confirm the version of firmware on multiple devices, click the “Columns” button in the NC Console and
select “Firmware” – this view will show the firmware version of the discovered L-series devices.
Please ensure that you have updated to the latest
vSpace software and device firmware and registered
your system before contacting technical support
with a problem. Many common issues can be
resolved with a simple update.