Overview – Nikon 4 User Manual

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About This Manual

This man u al has been written to help you take advantage of the many features included in
Nikon Capture 4 (Ver. 4.4). Be sure to read this manual thoroughly, and to keep it handy when
using Nikon Capture 4.

Symbols and Conventions
The following symbols and conventions are used in this manual:

Life-Long Learning

As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoing product support and education, con-
tinually-updated information is available on-line at the following sites:
• For users in the U.S.A.:
• For users in Europe and Africa:
• For users in Asia, Oceania and the Middle East:
Visit these sites to keep up-to-date with the latest product information, tips, answers to frequently-asked
questions (FAQs), and general advice on digital imaging and photography. Additional information may
be available from the Nikon representative in your area. See the URL below for contact information:

Background Knowledge
This manual assumes knowledge of operations common to Windows and Macintosh en vi -
ron ments. Refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more in for ma tion on
op er a tions specifi c to your operating system.

This manual is for use with both Windows and Macintosh versions of Nikon Capture 4. While
the majority of the illustrations in this manual show the Windows versions, save where oth-
er wise noted the operations described apply to both operating systems. Depending on the
operating system used, di a logs and menus may differ slightly from those shown here.

The ReadMe File
Be sure to read the ReadMe fi le on the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD, as it may contain im-
por tant information that could not be included in this manual.

Menu items and button names are shown in bold.

This icon indicates that more in for ma tion is
avail able else where in this manual.

This icon marks tips, ad

di tion al in

for ma tion

you may fi nd help ful when using this soft-

This icon marks notes, in for ma tion that you
should read be fore using this software.

This icon marks cautions, in for ma tion that you
should read be

fore use to prevent possible

dam age to your camera or computer.