The temporary files tab – Nikon 4 User Manual

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Fine-Tuning Nikon Capture 4 Editor

The Temporary Files Tab

The Tem po rary Files tab offers the fol low ing

Folder for temporary data
Specify the fold er or vol ume in which tem-
po rary data, such as im age cache data, will
be stored. The de fault fold er for Windows
is the “TEMP” fold

er in the Windows di-

rec to ry, while the default vol

ume for the

Macintosh is the start-up disk. To choose
a dif

fer ent fold

er in the Win

dows ver


of the pro gram, click the Browse… but ton
and nav i gate to the de sired location. In the
Macintosh ver

sion, a new volume can be

cho sen from the pop-up menu.

The Temporary Files Tab

Changes to settings in the Temporary Files tab also apply to Nikon Capture 4 Cam era Control. Nikon
Capture 4 must be restarted before changes to settings will take effect.