The editor window – Nikon 4 User Manual

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The Editor Window

The Editor Window

Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor

The main parts of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor window are identifi ed below.

The Menu Bar and Quick Tools

Although many operations can be performed using both menu commands and the buttons in the Quick
Tools palette, the explanations in this manual give priority to operations performed using tool buttons.

Hiding the Tool Palettes and Quick Tools Palette

Press tab to hide or display the tools and Quick Tools palettes.

Image window

Displays images cur rent ly opened for
ed it ing. Any num ber of im age win-
dows can be open si mul ta neous ly.

Image area

Shows the image cur

rent ly

being edited.

Quick Tools palette

Contains tool but tons
for Nikon Capture 4
Editor (


Tool palettes

These palettes are
used for im age en-
hance ment (


Application window

(Windows only)

Menu bar

Contains the menus for
Nikon Capture 4 Ed i tor.

Title bar

Shows the fi le name of
the im age dis played and
the current zoom ratio.

Shooting data area

Gives photo

in for -

ma tion on the im


dis played.

Multi-Image window

Lists the images in the current
folder as thumbnail previews
