Nikon 4 User Manual

Page 138

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The Camera Control Window

Edit Image Comment…
Selecting this option displays the dialog
shown at right, where you can enter a com-
ment or title for subsequent pho to graphs. If
the camera cur rent ly con nect ed is in the D1-
se ries, enter a title of thir ty-eight char ac ters
or less and click OK. The title will be used
for all sub se quent pho to graphs taken while
the camera is con nect ed. When a D2-series,
D200, D100, D70s, D70, or D50 cam era is
con nect ed, the title is stored in the cam era as
an im age com ment of thirty-six char ac ters or
less which is ap pend ed to pho to graphs only
when the Attach comment to images box
is checked.

Select Shooting Set tings Bank… (D2 series/D200/D100 only)
Selecting this option dis

plays the dialog

shown at right, where you can choose the
shooting menu bank in which chang

es to

settings will be stored while the camera is
con trolled from Nikon Capture 4 Camera
Con trol. See the camera manual for details.

The D2 series and D200 allow a descriptive
comment to be added to the name of each
shooting menu bank. Clicking Edit… dis-
plays the dialog shown at right, where the
comments for each bank can be edited. Click
OK to copy the comments to the camera.
Comments can be up to twenty characters
long and contain letters, numbers, quotes,
apostrophes, spaces, and any of the follow-
ing characters: “,” “.” “!” “?” “#” “$” “%”
“&” “(” “)” “[” “]” “{” “}” “*” “+” “-” “/”
“:” “;” “<” “=” “>” “_” and “@”.

Set Bracketing Mode (D2 series/D200/D70s/D70/D50 only)
Selecting this option displays the BKT Mode dialog. See Auto Bracketing in the Mechanical
panel for details (


Live Batch…
Selecting this option opens the Live Batch dialog (


Time Lapse Photography…
Selecting this option opens the Time Lapse Photography dialog (


D2 series/D200/D100/D70s/D70/D50

D1 series

Edit Comment dialog

D2 series/D200
